5 Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Yourself Today

Viersac Axel
5 min readJun 2, 2021
Photo by @ianstauffer on Unsplash

Today felt a bit peculiar for me. For the first time in a while I felt like breathing again. Like the world wasn’t an agression anymore and I was finally relieved of some heavy weight.

Of course the weight was internal and all the intense work I have done on myself over the last year is finally paying by setting me free.

But I lived this day like I was the main character of my story — as you should to — but also as its writer and director, and it felt like a constant celebration of myself.

Of course celebrating yourself can mean different things to different people. But here are 5 reasons why you should think about what celebrating yourself means and actually celebrating yourself :

1. Because you absolutely deserve it you marvelous being !

Come on now, you know it ! And if you doubt it then I’m here to remind you.
You deserve the best. You’re important, loved, skilled, capable and there’s a reason for you to be here.

You might be having a hard time for the last months. But don’t give up on yourself, you’re the most important person in your life. You’re absolutely capable of everything you put your mind to and you have something to bring to the table. You just don’t know what yet. Or maybe you do but you’re reluctant.

It’s time to celebrate yourself by actually doing what you know you have to do— and I’m not talking of rekindling old relationship, I see you over there. Take the leap and have faith in yourself, in the universe. You have this feeling of having a mission, then fulfill it and actualize yourself, celebrate who you are by doing what you have to do.

2. If not you then who ?

One of the hardest truth you learn over time, is that you have to be your #1 supporter. And that’s ok, we just have to learn it.

We grow up surrounded by people and we think it’s always going to be like this. But one of the most important thing we have to learn is how to be ok with ourself first. Because we are the person we’re gonna spend the most of our time with. So be a good company for yourself.

Of course some close friends, family, friends that are like family, are gonna be there for you, clap for you, support you and cheer you up. But probably not as much as you need. And that’s ok, it’s not their role to be your life support.

Learn to sit with yourself and to step into your life willingly, intentionally and celebrate what you’re living as what you’re living is the reflection of your inner world.

3. For all the times you thought of giving up

Unfortunately most of you know what I’m talking about. And for the one who don’t, I am so happy you never had to experiment the willingness to end with everything.

In any case, you should celebrate the sole fact that you’re alive. Because that is incredible. You should celebrate everything you can experiment today and everything that has yet to come for all of the times you didn’t feel like living anymore. For all the times you thought there was no way out.

And you should celebrate yourself for everything you have, can have, and everything you do and can do. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re part of the more fortunate — who’s on medium if not lucky ones ? — and you should consider everything you can be grateful for while you can.

4. It will empower you in an incredible way

Your brain works in mysterious but also simple ways. Celebrating yourself will actually give you energy as what you’re thinking will actualize itself in the outside world.

Perception is at the core of everything and creates the connection between reality and people. We might see the same thing while not seeing the same thing, because of perception.

And perception of yourself is related to others but mainly to your thoughts. You think of yourself in a certain way because of a specific conditioning you went through (society, education, work etc.), and you can take that to your own advantage.

You usually think of yourself like this because you think others will perceive this specific thing so you create a fixation. Of course you can only think and see this, and inevitably people notice this.

Now do it the other way. Fixate yourself on how incredible you are, how powerful you are, how beautiful you are. Anything you want.
Shape yourself as the person you want to be, and people will see you exactly like that.

5. You can’t celebrate other if you don’t celebrate yourself !

I won’t deny it, sometimes we don’t celebrate ourselves because we spend a lot of time being there for others. Whether it be for your family, for your work and the people you work with, for your friends, we live altogether and it can be easy to lose ourselves in all of the things we need to do.

But you can’t fulfill all of that if you’re not ok with yourself first.

You have to be your first priority. Find a way to make time for you. If you can’t make all of your day about yourself, then make 1hour or 30mn, just take a specific amount of time, in your day, where you’ll do something just from you to you. Some time that will be “me time” and a celebration of yourself.

And if you can’t do that on a daily basis then find your own rythm; once a week, or a day per month, have some “me time” and celebrate yourself.

Don’t know ho to celebrate yourself ?

The meaning can be different according to people but the main idea is to treat yourself with kindness and power, put yourself again at the center of your story.

  • take a day off like you’re the CEO and you can do whatever you want
  • go hiking like you’re an explorator
  • travel by yourself like you’ve walked this earth for centuries
  • get lost in your city with dramatic music and let life unravel
  • Put yourself in the shoes of who you want to be

In the end, the goal is to create and to choose, over and over, the life you want to live.



Viersac Axel

UX Writer / Copywriter based in Paris - Graduated in Philosophy, studying Anthropology & psychoanalysis. Life student